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7th International Yoga Day brought an immaculate opportunity for DPS family to focus on personal growth at spiritual, mental and physical level. The students, parents and teachers benefitted from the 15-day long Yoga workshops organised by the school in collaboration with SPICMACAY from 6th to 21st June,2021. The mega event culminated with a special online Yoga session organised for the teaching, non-teaching and support staff of the school on 21st June, 2021. Ms. Shweta Sukhija, an avid Yoga practitioner, guided everyone to a state of peace and positivity through the practice of various Asanas, warm up and breathing exercises. The session was profoundly rejuvenating for all .


A salute for the hard work, dedication and unconditional love of their fathers, students of DPS, Jalandhar opened up their heart and shared their tender love in form of many sweet gestures like cooking their favourite breakfast, making badges and cards and having an interview with dads to connect with them in an astounding way. A tribute to all the fathers who hold our hands and have our backs!


To sensitise the students about the courage, valour and sacrifice of the Kargil war heroes, a special assembly was conducted for students of DPS, Jalandhar. Prayer for soldiers, videos on Kargil war and its heroes and patriotic songs were shared in the assembly to salute the relentless efforts of Indian Army and to pay homage to the martyrs for their supreme sacrifice.


"Family, where life begins and love never ends." To remind the value of love, care and affection shared within the family, International Family Day was celebrated virtually with great pomp and show. It witnessed the enthusiastic participation of parents, students and teachers who spent a dazzling evening together. All the children and their lovely families joined the virtual platform to spend some fun time together playing games like antakshri,guess the song, solving riddles, tongue twisters etc. A whole-hearted thanks to all our beloved families for making the day memorable.

Tribal Gond Art Workshop

Delhi Public School in association with SPICMACAY (Society for Promotion of Indian Classical Music and Culture amongst Youth) hosted a live workshop followed by online interaction with art prodigy Japani Shyam, an acclaimed artist of ‘Tribal Gond Art' on 6th June, 2021 on the Zoom platform. Delhi Public School in association with SPICMACAY (Society for Promotion of Indian Classical Music and Culture amongst Youth) hosted a live workshop followed by online interaction with art prodigy Japani Shyam, an acclaimed artist of ‘Tribal Gond Art' on 6th June, 2021 on the Zoom platform.


Students of classes VI-IX enjoyed ‘SARV – MANGAL’ series, dance, music and art workshops which the school had arranged in collaboration with SPICMACAY (Society for Promotion of Indian Classical Music and Culture amongst Youth). It provided them with an enriching exposure to the rich tapestry of Indian Arts. The 15hours online workshops in Indianmusic, dance and arts gave students an opportunity to learn from mentors who are established and renowned faces in their area of expertise. These workshops included trainings in Hindustani Vocal, Carnatic Vocals, Classical dances like Kathak, Bharatanatyam and Mohiniattam and Folk arts like Mural, Pichwai Painting, Gond Art and Calligraphy.

International Yoga Day

7th International Yoga Day brought an immaculate opportunity for DPS family to focus on personal growth at spiritual, mental and physical level. The students, parents and teachers benefitted from the 15 day long Yoga workshops organised by the school in collaboration with SPICMACAY from 6th to 21st June,2021. The mega event culminated with a special session of Yoga organised for the teaching, non teaching and support staff of the school on 21st June, 2021. Ms. Shweta Sukhija, an avid Yoga practitioner, guided everyone to a state of peace and positivity through the practice of various Asanas, warm up and breathing exercises.The session was profoundly rejuvenating for all .


‘ANUBHAV’ provided opportunity to students to connect with some of thegreatest 'Gurus' and experts throughvarious activities like Classical Music, Dance, NadYoga, Hatha Yoga, Theatre, Cinema Classics, Folk Arts and Crafts, Heritage andEnvironmental interactions establishing a deep chord with Indian cultural heritage. Theweek long session was held from 21stJune to 27th June, 2021. It was a rare opportunity for the students to experience the tutelage of best gurus like Film Director Shyam Benegal, Actors Rajit Kapur, Shabana Azmi, great Musicians Amjad Ali Khan, Shivkumar Sharma, Bombay Jayashri, Ulhas Kashalkar, Shahid Parvez and Dancers like Malavika Sarukkai and others.


“Fun Frolic, Joys and merriments, with lots of learning treats, come along with Delhi Public School, Jalandhar Summer Camp, to which every child greets…..” The summer break is a perfect time for children to follow their interests and explore new books. Apart from that to give our young learners a platform to explore new vistas, a 'Summer Fest' is planned for them. There were various fun filled activities for the students of Classes 1-5, that focused on learning with fun and developing their fine motor skills. Calligraphy, Story time, Arty Crafty were few attractions of the camp. Children learnt different calligraphy strokes, different styles of narrating stories using puppets, voice modulation, lyrics and costumes. They made wonderful art pieces with papers in arty crafty workshop. It was a treat to watch them enjoying the camp.

Computer Workshop ‘Tech-Savvy’

The Computer Workshop ‘Tech-Savvy' was another fruitful workshop planned for classes VI to IX. It aimed to promote computer literacy in children as a modern life skill wherein learners were trained to use a variety of computer programs. Students of Classes VI-VII participated In E-Card Designing, Poster Making, Domains of Artificial Intelligence and Web Page Designing workshops. Students of Classes VIII-IX learnt the skills of Video Making/Collage Making, Basics of Excel and Python Programming.


Science is a way of thinking much more than it is body of knowledge.
We celebrated science month AYAN in the month of May to encourage innovation through science, understand the importance of science, technology and innovation in our day-to-day lives and the ways in which it is transforming the world. The idea behind the concept was to create curiosity in our young learners which would help them delve deeper in the mysteries of science .
Toys are children's words and play is their language so ToyCathoncompetition was organized for Grade 6 which would help them to learn the scientific principles behind the toys. Another activity for our Grade 6 learners was to design a Scrap Book explaining the nutrient contents of food and importance of healthy food.
Grade 7 and 8 learners were given the challenge of Role Play. The theme for class 7 students was Organ or Organ system of the bodyand for Grade 8 first ten elements of Periodic table or Forces in our life. The idea behind this activity is to learn while playing.The second activity for Grade 7 was to make a project on the mysteries of nature with a aim to interpret the scientific explanations. Grade 8 students were asked to prepare a Comic Strip on microbes that have adapted and survived with a view to provide insight into another vast field of science-microbiology.
Air , water , food , plants , the roof we live in… everything is important ! But we take them for granted - to make the young learners realise the importance of these elements-the first activity for Grade 9was videography on the theme- celebrating life. The students had to construct a short story on the significance of any element in life and write the story in subtitles.The second activity was based on the idea that magic is real and science is that very magic . The students had to perform a simple experiment that showcased the magic of science .
Since infographics are quick and easy to understand, the 10th graders were asked to visually and verbally represent the data to help others clearly understand the information . The second activity for the 10th graders was videography -it was a group project wherein the group was asked to make a video on any research Institute of India .This would reflect the team spirit and hardwork of the students and also motivate them to take up careers in the field of scientific research and development.
The students of Grade 11were asked to represent how scientific principles / phenomenon/ technology have influenced their life or how science has given a direction to their life.
The 12th graders were asked to make a PowerPoint presentation on any topic from the syllabus of Class 11th or 12th science -the main aim was to help the students recapitulate the topics they learnt. A photo caption contest was also organized for Grades 11 and 12 which would harness their creativity .
Movies are a great way to escape boredom during these covid times, so the students from Grade 6 to 9 were shown an interesting movie and were asked to write a review of it .The last activity for all the classes was to maintain a scrapbook showcasing the latest developments in science.

हिदी हैंहम-हिंदी माह

हंदी भाषा के उत्थान और बच्चों की इसमें अभिरुचि जगाने हेतु दिल्ली पब्लिक स्कूल, जालंधर में अगस्त माह को ‘हिंदी माह’ के रूप में मनाया गया। इसके अंतर्गत कक्षा पहली से दसवीं तक के विद्‌यार्थियों के लिए मौखिक व लिखित गतिविधियाँ और साहित्यिक प्रतियोगिताएँ करवाइर्ं गईं।

कक्षा पहली से पाँचवीं तक के विद्‌यार्थियों ने कविता रचना, बुनो कहानी, सुलेख, विज्ञापन प्रस्तुतीकरण, पात्र अभिनय, हँसगुल्ले, तथा कला समेकित गतिविधियों में उत्साहपूर्वक भाग लिया। बच्चों ने ‘हम होंगे कामयाब’ ‘उठो जवान देश की वसुंधरा पुकारती’ समूह गान किया। बच्चों को ‘बूझो पहेली’ के अंतर्गत हिंदी साहित्यकार ‘अमीर खुसरो’ की पहेलियाँ पूछी गईं। पहेलियाँ बूझने में उनकी आतुरता देखने योग्य थी। इसके अतिरिक्त बच्चों को हास्य व्यंग्य विधा से परिचित करवाने के लिए ‘हास्य काव्य प्रतियोगिता’ करवाई गइ , जिसमें बच्चों ने प्रसन्नतापूर्वक भाग लिया ।

कक्षा छठी से आठवीं तक के विद्‌यार्थियों ने ‘लोगो डिज़ाइन’ गतिविधि के अंतर्गत अध्यापिका द्‌वारा दिए गए हिंदी के शब्दों को अपनी कला तथा रचनात्मकता से सुदर ढंग से लिखा और अपने मनपसंद रंगों से सजाया।‘सुरीले गीत’ गतिविधि में नदी, मिट्‌टी, देश, आज़ादी, पंछी, दोस्त आदि विषयों पर गाकर और कलात्मक ढंग से लिखकर गीत प्रस्तुत किए। इसके अतिरिक्त ‘बोल री कठपुतली’ प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन किया गया जिसके माध्यम से छात्र अपनी सांस्कृतिक धरोहर से जुड़ पाए और इस प्राचीन कला को समझ पाए।

कक्षा नौवीं तथा दसवीं के छात्रों ने शुभकामना संदेश के लिए ‘ई-कार्ड’ तथा हिंदी साहित्कारों से संबंधित ‘ई-कोलाज’ का निर्माण करके हिंदी भाषा को आधुनिक तकनीक के साथ बहुत सुंदर ढंग से जोड़ा। ‘आशु भाषण’ तियोगिता करवाई गई जिसमें छात्रों को तत्क्षण किसी भी विषय पर सोचने तथा अपने विचारों को व्यक्त करने का अनुभव प्राप्त हुआ। कक्षा छठी से दसवीं तक के छात्रों के लिए ‘मेरा विद्‌यालय, मेरी शान’ विषय पर आधारित नारा-लेखन प्रतियोगिता करवाई गई, जिसमें उन्होंने विद्‌यालय से संबंधित नारा लिखकर संबंधित चित्र बनाकर विद्‌यालय तथा अध्यापकों के प्रति अपना स्नेह एवं सम्मान व्यक्त किया।

सभी विद्‌यार्थियों ने इन गतिविधियों में उत्साहपूर्वक भाग लिया।प्रतिभावान छात्रों को सम्मानित किया गया। विद्‌यालय की प्रधानाचार्या श्रीमती ॠतु कौल ने विद्‌यार्थियों के द्‌वारा किए गए प्रयासों की सराहना की और उन्हें भविष्य में भी हिंदी भाषा के उत्थान एवं विकास के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया।

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